Class 1: Energy Vampires and how to Protect Your energy.
Ever start off having a great day and by lunch you feel like you've been beat up and you don't even know why?
We will learn:
How the energy around us and of other people impact us
How to protect our energy field and that of our family and home
How to ground our energy
How energy and intention work together to manifest
Class 2: EGO vs Intuition
How to know the difference
Trusting your vibes, your gut, your instincts is VITAL to living your best life. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.
We will learn:
How to recognize the difference between Ego and Intuition
How to raise our awareness of signs from our Guides and Angels
How to develop our intuition
How to be a clear channel to receive guidance
Class 3: Angels, Guides and Elementals-Meet your Team!
Sometimes we feel all alone in this world. But we never are. There is a huge team supporting us!
We will learn about
Arch Angels and their purpose
Guides and the different types
Elementals and their special purpose
Working with Guides and Angels
Meeting your Guides and Angels
Location: Garden of Eden Studio
Coming soon!